Leaflets and Booklets


Leaflet TitlePublished BySynopsis
SITP General FlyerA Stand in the ParkMaking a stand for freedom
SITP National FlyerA Stand in the ParkFind your local stand with QR codes
Pause the Kid’s JabChildren’s UnionPlease help to contact GPs and health care workers to co-sign our letter
Together DeclarationTogether DeclarationIf you oppose vaccination passports, please sign the declaration
It’s Safer to WaitSafer to WaitReasons to wait
Safer to Wait with QR CodeSafer to WaitIncludes a QR code which can be scanned for facts
IvermectinBack To NormalInformation about Ivermectin
Covid-19 Vaccines Further ReadingUK Freedom ProjectList of further reading and links
Yellow Card Scheme Promotion CardUK Freedom ProjectYellow card scheme promotion card
Covid-19 Pass Exemption CardUK Freedom ProjectCovid-19 pass exemption card
Vax Dangers
Covid Statistics – Front Page
Informed Consent – Back Page
Stop New NormalPotential dangers of Covid-19 injections
Covid Vaccine Q&AStop New NormalFacts to help you make a better decision for children
Yellow Card Scheme FlyerStop New NormalReport your adverse reactions to the Yellow Card scheme
No UK Health Pass Stop New Normal What will the future be if you accept immunity passports?
Reject Segregation Stop New NormalHow Covid passes will create segregation
Is the cure Worse than the CauseBe InformedFact sheet concerning Covid-19, vaccines, tracking, surveillance and 5G
Wake Up – Remove your maskBe InformedA public notice about the health dangers of masks and our rapidly diminishing liberties
Struggle in your maskUK Medical Freedom AllianceDiscard your mask and enjoy your education
Assorted mask flyersWorld Council for HealthAssorted mask flyers in different sizes and colours
Arrest AdviceGreen and Black CrossAdvice if you get arrested
Various leaflets and stickersSave Our Rights UKLeaflets, stickers for:
– Medical Freedom Bill
– Masks
Vaccine Truth LeafletsThe Great Re-OpeningInformation about the vaccines, including the proposed roll-out to children
Gillick CompetenceThe Great Re-OpeningInformation about Gillick competence and informed consent
Businesses say noThe Great Re-OpeningBusinesses say no to mandatory Covid passes
Masked ScienceMasked ScienceA flyer outlining science which does not support face coverings
Various stickersThe White RoseBringing censored information to the masses via the medium of stickers
Covid in ContextCovid ContextA factual leaflet adding useful context around Covid-19
How to Report Covid Vaccine Side EffectsYellow Card AwarenessHow to report to the MHRA’s Yellow Card scheme
Human Rights FlyerOutreach WorldwideA call for the UK government to scrap dangerous Coronavirus legislation
Covid-19 Vaccine Roll-out to ChildrenOpen 1Ethical concerns of unnecessary and unjustifiable risk of Covid injections with references
Covid Vaccinations Questions LeafletCV Pandemic InvestigationQuestions to the reader asking the to research, think and decide for themselves
Unprecedented Government Response to Covid-19 – It is Justified?CV Pandemic InvestigationSome information worth knowing – 4 pages of facts and questions about the pandemic response
Your Child. Your Choice.Your Child. Your Choice.Helping parents to weigh the benefits vs the risks of Covid injections for children
What Does a Safe and Effective Vaccine Look Like?Children’s Health DefenseNine points of criteria vaccines should meet
Know the Heart Risks 4 KidsFreeDrumRisks of heart complications from Covid injections, especially to kids
Look Them in the EyesFreeDrumRisks to children of Covid vaccines
Lockdown for Local BusinessesFreeDrumCan you business survive another lockdown?
Against Vaccine PassportsAgainst Vaccine PassportsA link to the business directory
No Vaxx PassportsNo More LockdownsFive reasons why vaxx passports are a bad idea


Booklet TitlePublished BySynopsis
ASITP Outreach Resource PackA Stand in the ParkAn outreach resource pack for the community and businesses
Dos and Donts for Reaching PeopleA Stand in the ParkDos and don’ts for reaching people
CV19 – SARS-CoV-2 – An Exploration Informed Parent A comprehensive resource about all aspects of the pandemic
Global Report 2019-nCoV Novel Coronavirus Extra-Parliamentary Corona Investigation Committee A summary of facts and 60 pages of evidence based science
Proof that Masks do more harm than goodDr Vernon Coleman100 facts you must know about masks and mask wearing
Covid-19 Response – HART ReviewHART Group“The data is in: lockdowns serve no useful purpose and cause catastrophic societal and economic harms. They must never be repeated in this country”
A Compilation of Covid Vaccine ReactionsFrontline Workers’ Testimonials
and VAERS Reports
Thousands of first-hand testimonies and media reports from around the world
The Vaccine Death ReportStop World Control.comEvidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from Covid-19 injections
The Covid-19 “Pandemic”: An Independent InvestigationCV Pandemic InvestigationChallenging the narrative and reclaiming our future
Early Covid-19 Treatment GuidelinesWorld Council for HealthA practical guide to home based care for healthy families
Post Covid Jab Supplement GuideCaring HCWs CoalitionSuggested supplements to help detox after the injection
Their AgendaCovileaksAn assortment of downloadable pdfs from official sources showing how Agenda 2030 will be implemented