Nationwide Rally for Freedom

World Wide Rally For Freedom has been something incredible! It united people globally with so many individuals across the world working hard to build these demonstrations; some of whom have been arrested & convicted for doing so.

World Wide Rally For Freedom decided to take a ‘summer break’. London decided to protest; we don’t believe we have the time to ‘pause’ protest… we know #ItIsNotOverYet & we know it’s about to get a lot worse!

We believe we need more unity in community action & more unity across the regions of the UK. We are all at different stages of tyranny across the world with very different ‘restrictions’. It may seemingly be ‘back to normal’ in some countries but we know it is not!

We have therefor decided to move forward with NATIONWIDE RALLY FOR FREEDOM! The same team that have built World Wide Rally For Freedom in the UK will be dedicated to focusing on UK Action while also fighting against the WHO & WEF & how it affects the people of the UK.

For Truth, Justice & Freedom


Sep 17 2022


1:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Central London