Super Stands

AlMotamyez For Constarctions


Carshalton Super Stand turned into a fabulous and high energy day with the opportunity to put questions to practitioners including naturopaths and nutritionists, networking for those of like mind and yellow boards on the high street which attracted significant support from passing vehicles.

Not only that, but we were joined by guest speakers. For those who could not make the event, video footage of some of the talks can be viewed below.

Thank you to everyone who came along and helped organise the day.


Dr Niall McCrae

Mental health specialist and lecturer, Dr Niall McCrae, is an officer of the Workers of England Union and has been representing workers who have faced sanctions, up to and including dismissal, due to the Covid vaccination roll out and other restrictive measures. He writes for the Light newspaper, is a regular commentator for Unity News Network, Hearts of Oak and the Daily Sceptic and is very well known amongst campaigners and activists for his bold stance against pandemic restrictions.

Althea Finch

Althea Finch is a natural pain specialist of over 30 years who provides an alternative to typical mainstream pharmaceutical approaches to pain treatment. She provides a brief history of medicine and tells us about the possibility of becoming pain and symptom free no matter what condition is involved and for how long pain has been present.

Anna de Buisseret

Lawyer, Anna de Buisseret, has been working with the Child Defence Alliance and has been speaking out about the constitutional and legal aspects of lockdowns and legal mandates. She is prominent in the fight for informed consent especially within the context of the Covid vaccine roll out to younger cohorts. Anna de Buisseret encourages the formation of proactive localised assemblies to help counter overreach by established societal institutions.

Simone Plaut

Naturopath and nutritionist, Simone Plaut, has been involved in the evidence gathering process in the case against the MHRA and has personally taken down witness statements from hundreds of people affected by Covid injections. She was also an expert witness in a high profile court case against masks in schools. Saddest of all to her is the way the vaccine injured are treated and the hurdles they encounter. She recommends a detox guide provided by the World Council for Health – please follow this hyperlink for more information.