Connecting Consciousness

Connecting Consciousness is a grass roots organisation for people who recognise that the development on this planet is not always aligned with the benefit of mankind, that global events are also embedded into other contexts than they are generally presented, and that the forces acting behind the visible level often have more dimensions than are superficially apparent.

Members of Connecting Consciousness share spiritual values, the desire to see this planet with all its beings and beyond in freedom, peace and health. They take an active role, connected by a unifying consciousness and the effort to raise awakening and awareness, ensure as much light as possible as well as a high frequency. Connecting Consciousness membership is undogmatic, spiritually nourishing, mentally inspiring and emotionally supportive.

Membership of Connecting Consciousness is free of charge and helping humanity is the overriding goal.

There are coordinators who facilitate local groups including here in South East England. The group offers weekly zoom meetings, spiritual development, workshops, friendship, meditation groups and more.

Please visit to find out more about getting involved.